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New and Improved Project Ticket

June 14, 2018

In order to provide a new and better option for Wisconsin excavators when filing a locate request, Diggers Hotline has made changes to the Project Ticket, which is often used on large projects that require many and frequent relocates.


The new Project Ticket will be filed as an Appointment Ticket.  At the appointment, the excavator and locators will establish the parameters for ongoing locating of the project.  Those parameters should be documented, signed and exchanged between all parties. A meet sheet is a good way to document the parameters.


Excavators will then be able to contact the locators directly for any future relocates needed outside of the parameters agreed upon.  Excavators can also contact the locators directly if anything has changed with the project that would impact those original parameters.


If the agreed upon parameters are not being met by any of the locators, the excavator can contact Diggers Hotline for a relocate ticket.  The crew-on-site relocate option would be allowed, as with all Appointment Tickets.


ProPortal users will need to indicate a ticket is a Project Ticket in the remarks field of the ticket.